
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Orange-Pineapple "Painkillers"

This tropical cocktail is one of our favorites for sipping on the front porch after the kids are in bed.

Recipes for this drink vary. I mix according to taste, but mine goes something likes this: 
  • 4 parts pineapple juice
  • 2 parts orange juice
  • 1 part cream of coconut 
  • 2 parts rum (I usually use Bacardi Gold)
  • generous sprinkle of nutmeg
This coconut "cream" is the easiest to use.

I like to make a big batch and keep the extra in a jar in the fridge. Just shake it up before serving because the coconut settles. You can also mix up the base and keep that in the freezer for the when the mood hits. Sometimes I mix the rum in the glasses so I can adjust the strength of "his and hers".

However you make them, these summery island drinks, accompanied by a bowl of pretzel nuggets, are the perfect catalyst for lazy conversation on the patio!

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