
Monday, November 18, 2013


Welcome to Jeri's kitchen blog!

Working with food has long been soothing to me. I have been known to get home from vacation, drop off the suitcases, and head straight to the kitchen counter to bake zucchini bread. In the midst of post-vacation stress, I instinctively went for the most relaxing activity I could think of!

In culinary diversion I find the perfect balance of science and art. Like any kitchen, mine can become a disaster area, but more often it is more often a familiar respite. 
A place for imagination and creativity. 
A place to celebrate the seasons of the earth and connect with the traditions of my people. 
A place to nourish myself and my loved ones. 

Strawberry Crepes with Cream Cheese Filling
I hope you'll feel nurtured here.

I hope you'll find inspiration.

Jerusha's Kitchen is not about perfection. It's not about the cheapest, the simplest, or the most gourmet. It's not about being the most healthy, most organic, most natural, most green, or most sustainable. Adapt the recipes you find here to fit whatever criteria are important to you. Just remember:
Jerusha's Kitchen is about having a good time, being kind to ourselves, and showing the people close to us that we care. 

May your kitchen be magical, too!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful, luv!! :-) I'm SO delighted you're doing this. You have so much deliciousness and inspiration to share. :-) XO
